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Friday, May 25, 2007

-1).....How to troubleshoot TCP/IP connectivity

There are tools that can provide useful information when you are trying to determine the cause of TCP/IP networking problems under Microsoft Windows XP. This article lists recommendations for using these tools to diagnose network problems. Although this list is not complete, the list does provide examples that show how you can use these tools to track down problems on the network.
TCP/IP troubleshooting tools
loadTOCNode(2, 'moreinformation');
The following list shows some of the TCP/IP diagnostic tools that are included with Windows XP:
Basic tools
Network Diagnostics in Help and SupportContains detailed information about the network configuration and the results of automated tests
Network Connections folderContains information and configuration for all network connections on the computer. To locate the Network Connections folder, click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Network and Internet Connections.
IPConfig commandDisplays current TCP/IP network configuration values, updates, or releases, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allocated leases, and display, register, or flush Domain Name System (DNS) names.
Ping commandSends ICMP Echo Request messages to verify that TCP/IP is configured correctly and that a TCP/IP host is available.
Advanced tools
Hostname commandDisplays the name of the host computer
Nbtstat commandDisplays the status of current NetBIOS over TCP/IP connections, updates the NetBIOS name cache, and displays the registered names and scope ID.
PathPing commandDisplays a path of a TCP/IP host and packet losses at each router along the way.
Route commandDisplays the IP routing table and adds or deletes IP routes.
Tracert commandDisplays the path of a TCP/IP host.

To view the correct command syntax to use with each of these tools, type -? at a command prompt after the name of the tool.

Windows XP Professional tools :-

Windows XP Professional contains the following additional tools:

Event viewerRecords system errors and events.

Computer ManagementChanges network interface drivers and other components

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